
8.28pm now************* Date ~15june2009
Weather ~cold, breezy** Mood~ distress, low spirited, jubilant..it's contradiction








我快乐, 一定要让你知道








Expression of soul~
Some people struggle and work hard with zeal that earn them a name so revered and saluted...Some thought they are something yet in fact they are just little thing... Some people convinced themselves that they could make a fortune without effort...Some people who like to be controlled by their emotion (so called play emo)...Some people always act like a real prima donna and can't see how blessing and great life she or he has...Some people like to put themselves inside the box, giving plenty of excuses for their failure (such as "as long as i happy in my life")and thought it's a better way to escape the reality... finally the worst and irritating one would be Those who keep complaining...blame this and that...
I plenty sure that most of us would have met different kind of people with various personalities and attitude of life... probably few types that i mentioned...
Some of them may really raise our ire..and let us feel frustrated... thinking of why get this kind of ppl one...haiz..so pity...so immature... so stubborn... so piss me out!!!
Maybe there are something that we can do to alter their view or help them to become a better person... yet...in the end the effort will only met with failure and disappointment...
But thr is a friend of mine enlightened me out... "why need to bother?....
we can't expect people around us to become an IDEAL man that WE think it is.. What we can do is to make ourselves an ideal person to others...instead of wishing others to change..."
It's very true...if all of us know what exactly are the wrong ways of living, then we just have to concern about ourselves and make sure that we live with right attitudes...in these ways we may have set a good example for others!!! But the first thing is u know ur own mistakes..

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