Korean Bazaar

Well, i and couple of chi gu were invited by korean classes' friends to come for the korean bazaar which basically sold food to raise fund for the church and community service...The food was awesome! Got the chance to taste their traditional specialty... i forgot what are the name of the food.. but i remembered i dropped down somewhere in my notes.. Overall it was a great moment to hang around~ =)
Malaysians: (left behind- chloe phoon, yuting, me, chris, racheal,  Johnny-took pic)


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要变有型 哟!

近来我特想为自己设计一下造型,从头到尾,无论是穿着,发型,和 身型都要一一改变~
可能是因为是青春年少时期,总是认为这 period应该要最甜美,开心,勇敢,愚笨,但却不后悔,充满无限乐趣的回忆~ 我依然记得我的属灵前辈(Bro昌盛) 对我说:“趁你还在求学的时候,大胆地去梦想吧!” To be honest, i always want to involve myself in entertainment field, instead of human science field. I really enjoy myself learning and playing the music instrument~ singing and acting~ I feel alive and meaningful when i hold a piece of instrument... There is no distraction, only peace, calm, god and music around me...everything around me seem so quiet and harmony.. Sound weird right? =) Oppss..time to share my favor song recently~ it's sweet。。Hope you guys enjoy.. One last sentence, 年轻人啊!!!去吧!!! 尽情享受青春梦幻时光吧!!! 人生是你的!!! WOOO!!! ^o^

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Do you hear the voice of earth?

I had attended a seminar call "Sustaining life on a Tough Earth" by Bill McKibben, a well known speaker, founder of 350.org and environmental author. Basically he addressed on the issues of climate change and its impact on agriculture. He urged for immediate public's participation in charging and improve our world by just starting from small action like...blalalala...(i kinda 4gt what he said). But the talk was just inspiring and received huge response nationwide.  Our University Great Hall was crowded of hundreds people!

Here are some intriguing and terrible fact he pointed out:
 "The summer 2010 was the most brutal that the northern hemisphere has ever seen, one that gives a good foretaste of what climate change looks like in its early stages."
He also discussed the massive flooding and temperatures that were recorded internationally.  From the 12 feet of rain in Pakistan, compared to its average 3 feet, to the eight days in August where Moscow experienced record temperatures of 100 degrees, which had never been recorded in the city's history and caused them to stop export the grains due to short of supply and severe drought. Moreover, if the severe flood is happening occasionally in particular areas every few months, it dramatically give the food supply and economics a big strike! THERE WILL LESS AND LESS FOOD SUPPLY each year!!!

i quote this phrase from iowastatedaily.com
"A major factor of the increased rainfall is that the atmosphere holds more water vapor than ever before. Currently, there has been four-and-a-half to five percent more moisture in the past four years, which leads to increased precipitation. This has caused the flows of rivers and streams around the world to increase by 10 percent."

It seem that the world is really sick! But where is the response of government legislation to this issue? (lack of political action - fossil fuel industry)  if you noticed in 350.org , it can be seem that some people across the world are ready to contribute and voice their concern to climate changes. We should really start to give serious thought of it~ before we lost the beauty the earth used to have~ 

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做人难?我该把它当成一个问题还是一个答案 ~ 累啊!好人难当,义人难存,爱人难找,贵人难攀,女人难懂,男人难做!!!

帅气点吧,说你难靠,不帅吧,女人看不上;个子高了,说不适合,个子矮了,等于残废;身材瘦小,说太软弱,身材肥胖,说靠边站;活泼点吧,说你不正经,稳重点吧,说你未老先衰;注意穿着,说你同性恋,不修边幅,说你土包子;爱社交,说你花心,沉默点吧,说你自闭症;挣大钱吧,担心高攀,挣钱少吧,说你没出息~  天啊!我要哭了!!!
你啊(those who're reading!) ,我到底要怎样才能做到你们满意? =)Give some comments~
PS:人需要神的爱~ 因神永不离弃。=)

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Cheers for a blessed day!
The summer season has gradually passed and the chill of the winter is cooling down the mother earth. I just enjoying sauntering or driving around the campus compound while glancing at the colorful deciduous trees.   Many always thought that Autumn has often been associated with melancholy,  
I would say it is a season that makes you feel blessed with a sense of appreciation..
as the atmosphere always lead your thought to your beloved one
bring back the old memories...
Time to flip through the photo album.. 
well~ not sad, but joy, lively, and excited...maybe a little bit emotional
Looking up at the blue and yellowish sky  when a flock of swam flew through
i wonder when will be the next time i meet all of them..or thr is not more chance?
I am all the way at the other side of the corner, separated from each of you guys. Only destination will lead us the way to the meeting point~ Only at that time, i can hug each of you and say

I would like to share one advice with you, which is what i learned from my past rich experience..
 Once in a while, you may hear a guy saying,"show me a man who will work and i will show a success." and I WOULD SAY, "you show me a man who will say that, and i will show you an idiot." Work (Study) in itself won't do anything. You may notice that why some people work(study) hard like hell and never have anything to show for it? and yet some people don't seem to work(study) and they have great results..... It is all about your mind set and attitude.. Life is not about what you like to do, but rather what you ought to do~ Don't ever wish all the things will follow your will!! You should be the one who adapt to it, regardless of any situation. Got excited about your job or education!! Don't ever think there is such thing as "the job i love to do"..IT DIDN'T EXIST! 
 If i can get excited about it while it's miserable, it's going to be tremendous if ever gets pleasant!

PS: 不是 寂寞 了才想你,而是想你了才寂寞

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