Malaysians: (left behind- chloe phoon, yuting, me, chris, racheal, Johnny-took pic) |
Korean Bazaar
要变有型 哟!
近来我特想为自己设计一下造型,从头到尾,无论是穿着,发型,和 身型都要一一改变~
可能是因为是青春年少时期,总是认为这 period应该要最甜美,开心,勇敢,愚笨,但却不后悔,充满无限乐趣的回忆~ 我依然记得我的属灵前辈(Bro昌盛) 对我说:“趁你还在求学的时候,大胆地去梦想吧!” To be honest, i always want to involve myself in entertainment field, instead of human science field. I really enjoy myself learning and playing the music instrument~ singing and acting~ I feel alive and meaningful when i hold a piece of instrument... There is no distraction, only peace, calm, god and music around me...everything around me seem so quiet and harmony.. Sound weird right? =) Oppss..time to share my favor song recently~ it's sweet。。Hope you guys enjoy.. One last sentence, 年轻人啊!!!去吧!!! 尽情享受青春梦幻时光吧!!! 人生是你的!!! WOOO!!! ^o^
Do you hear the voice of earth?
做人难?我该把它当成一个问题还是一个答案 ~ 累啊!好人难当,义人难存,爱人难找,贵人难攀,女人难懂,男人难做!!!
帅气点吧,说你难靠,不帅吧,女人看不上;个子高了,说不适合,个子矮了,等于残废;身材瘦小,说太软弱,身材肥胖,说靠边站;活泼点吧,说你不正经,稳重点吧,说你未老先衰;注意穿着,说你同性恋,不修边幅,说你土包子;爱社交,说你花心,沉默点吧,说你自闭症;挣大钱吧,担心高攀,挣钱少吧,说你没出息~ 天啊!我要哭了!!!
你啊(those who're reading!) ,我到底要怎样才能做到你们满意? =)Give some comments~
PS:人需要神的爱~ 因神永不离弃。=)