
人真的要学会应变包容体谅,及谦卑!!仰望主吧!Some people just won't listen to the advice and giving up the effort to change when others had been tolerate and advise them for so long~ Stubborn, Arrogant, Self-centered, Inconsiderate!! So sick of those people, Unfortunately they appear to be the person around me... Goshh, Why don't you just LISTEN?!?! LISTEN LA!!! LISTEN!!!! 我已经厌倦扮好男人~ 极限了!! 我表面看起来无事开心,BUT!!!When they still relent to their terrible manner, 我活得特不爽!但又不想说难听的话,搞到关系那么僵~ 咳~ 真是可怜的生物~ Think of Yourselves and Others!!! 是时候给你脸色看了!教训你一下!Let you understand what is the right way of living harmony together in the community~ XP 
主啊,教导我如何能更像主所喜悦的人懂得去爱他人~ 惟有单单依靠主。。=D

(PS: 发泄下!!! 但爱不会熄灭!!! )

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Anonymous said...

ohhhhh poor you....
take care! Prayers do help ^^
I will pray for you too!