
回想,这几年(至今),我常因为个人意见,主见不同有差异,让他人以及我在那一瞬间显得情绪化,气氛变得有点僵。It is not because i am being stubborn, self centered, immature or whatever terms one can describe their "friendly"opponent. You notice i stated "friendly opponent" as we did not really offend or quarrel with others meanly. Yet to convince or persuade others that our personal points of view which we believe they are correct.

(TO someone out there)..Maybe you think i am not being good learner to listen what you're trying to say or follow your rules of life. But let me tell you ..YUP...YOU!!!..something~ i know the meaning of life better than you~ Even though you are older or younger...it does not make any different as regardless who you are...you're just living in a small box of world..can hardly observe or sensitive to the greater value of life.  In short, i just wanna to point out that each of us are varied in own perspectives, belief and life value so RESPECT others..instead of forcing them to suit your shoes or get mad at them when they tend to against or deny your words... Guess what, no matter how many times you complain of your pessimism and hoping us to follow your will. I AINT GONNA DO THAT TO DEPRECIATE MY WAY OF LIVING A LIFE!! Cause i felt happier to act according to my own  perspectives~ even it means you are more experience and older. But who care... i am who i am... don't try to judge, teach me with your personal value... i only feel the joy and peace when i did what my heart urged or guide me..which i believe there is a MIGHTY, mercy God living in me...你不同意我的观点,我已经习以为常了~这个习惯 却令我活得更快乐,有意义。。。

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